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You can download the VMMC SJH Junior Resident Syllabus Vardhman Mahavir Medical College has online at Safdarjung Hospital Syllabus & Exam Pattern. You need to be notified that Safdarjung Hospital Junior Resident Syllabus you will check all VMMC SJH Jr. Syllabus topics, giving you full help in preparing. Use the VMMC SJH Resident Exam Pattern to get to know the Scheme, Marking Weightage. The end of the site is available at VMMC SJH Junior Resident Syllabus . Further details on the recording, exam date, release of the Admit Card will remain in contact with us.

VMMC SJH Junior Resident Syllabus

Dear Candidates, the Vardhman Mahavir College of Medicine and the Safdarjung Hospital have been invited to the vacancies of the Junior Resident. Applicants who have completed the application form before the last date will soon be able to visit the official website of VMMC SJH Junior Resident Syllabus . Some candidates are very enthusiastic about the study program for young residents of Safdarjung Hospital in . Here is the curriculum program for residents Safdarjang Hospital & VMMC SJH on this website. After the official launch, you can download a link to download the curriculum for minors under VMMC SJH . All applicants can consult and download a study plan in PDF format. Here, we give you all the information that is relevant to the exam, so you can stay with each candidate and get updates. For more information about your exams, go to the official website.

Safdarjung Hospital Junior Resident Syllabus

Last month, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital completed the online application process. A large number of applicants completed the application form before the last date. All candidate candidates are informed about the exam sample available on their official website. The curriculum for young residents of VMJ SJH can be downloaded for the vacancy program for minor residents. The selection of candidates is based on written tests. Only candidates will be invited to the next process. All applicants can be prepared according to the official curriculum. Here is the latest information here. Therefore, each candidate can stay in touch with us and get more updates from the Junior Resident Study Program at Safdarjung Hospital in . If you like this information, you can share this site for more updates. You can share this web page with your friends in the social network.

VMMC SJH Jr Resident Syllabus Download Now

Name Of Organization Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital (VMMC SJH )
Name of the Post Junior Resident
Mode of the Application Online
Total No of Posts Update Soon
Category Name Syllabus
Application Starting Date Available Soon
Last date to submit the application Available Soon
Selection Process Written Test
Job Location Delhi
VMMC SJH Exam Date Notify Later
Admit Card released on Available
Official Website

Candidates are looking for an unofficial website for VMMC SJH Junior Resident Syllabus, but they will not find it. We would like to say that the Recruitment Board provides the curriculum for the exam only on the official website. Candidates who have begun to prepare for the VMMC SJH junior residency exam are informed that the official program is on this website. The level of competition is very high for the most recent recruitment, so all you have to do is work hard. Here is a direct link to download applicants for the SJH Jr. resident study program. By clicking on the link, you can download the PDF format of the study program. Now you may notice that this web page will require additional updates. Here we give you all the information about the exam so you can stay connected and update.

VMMC SJH Junior Resident Syllabus

Dear Candidates, the Vardhman Mahavir College of Medicine and the Safdarjung Hospital have been invited to the vacancies of the Junior Resident. Applicants who have completed the application form before the last date will soon be able to visit the official website of VMMC SJH Junior Resident Syllabus . Some candidates are very enthusiastic about the study program for young residents of Safdarjung Hospital in . Here is the curriculum program for residents Safdarjang Hospital & VMMC SJH on this website. After the official launch, you can download a link to download the curriculum for minors under VMMC SJH . All applicants can consult and download a study plan in PDF format. Here, we give you all the information that is relevant to the exam, so you can stay with each candidate and get updates. For more information about your exams, go to the official website.

Safdarjung Hospital Junior Resident Syllabus

Last month, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital completed the online application process. A large number of applicants completed the application form before the last date. All candidate candidates are informed about the exam sample available on their official website. The curriculum for young residents of VMJ SJH can be downloaded for the vacancy program for minor residents. The selection of candidates is based on written tests. Only candidates will be invited to the next process. All applicants can be prepared according to the official curriculum. Here is the latest information here. Therefore, each candidate can stay in touch with us and get more updates from the Junior Resident Study Program at Safdarjung Hospital in . If you like this information, you can share this site for more updates. You can share this web page with your friends in the social network.

Download Safdarjung Hospital Junior Resident Syllabus

Male and female applicants participate in a written examination and want to verify the details of the exam sample and the Youth Residency Program of VMMC SJH . The curriculum contains important topics that are a written exam question. We want to say that the ministry has notice of admission. As a type of information, since it is public in the next few days on the official website. Once you have posted the link here, you can download the Subject Wise SJH Jr. Curriculum. If you would like to receive all the details of the test, contact us and read the updates.

About Recruitment:-

The Vardhman Mahavir School of Medicine and the Safdarjung Hospital have recently posted vacancies for Junior Resident SJH on their official website. All eligible and interested applicants completed the application form before the last date. Those interested in these comments can see the links below in detail. The VMMC SJH Junior Resident Vacancy tender process will be online. The bidding process was completed successfully a few weeks before.

About Exam Date:-

The Vardhman Mahavir Medical School and the Safdarjung Hospital will organize an SJH exam for minor residents in the near future. The department has not yet commented on the date of the exam. After the official statement, we will inform you here. To get more information about your exams, stay with us an update.

VMMC SJH Junior Resident Syllabus Subject Wise

Junior Resident Syllabus Gen English:-

Passive Voice, Fill in the blanks, General English, Idioms, Phrases, Synonyms, Para Completion, Antonyms, Transformation, Error Correction, Passage Completion, Spelling Test, Prepositions Sentence, Substitution, Spotting Errors, Sentence Arrangement, Improvement Sentence.

Reasoning Subject Syllabus For SJH Junior Resident:-

Decision Making, Visual Memory, Clocks & Calendars, Mirror Images, Problem Solving, Syllogistic Reasoning, Non-Verbal Series, Embedded Figures, Number Series, Blood Relations, Arithmetical Reasoning, Cubes and Dice, Number Ranking, Judgment, Analogies, Arrangements, Directions, Coding-Decoding, Alphabet Series.

VMMC Jr Syllabus Aptitude Subject  :-

Areas, Pipes, L.C.M & H.C.F, Time, Distance, Profit & Loss, Averages, Time, Work, Menstruation, Volumes, Simplification, Ages, Simple Interest, Streams, Indices, Probability, Simple, Equations, Permutations, Percentages, Quadratic Equations, Mixtures, Allegations, Odd Man Out, Compound Interest, Games, Ratio & Proportion.

MBBS Subjects:-

Surgery, Paediatrics, Physiology, Community Medicine, Psychiatry, Anatomy, Anaesthesiology, Biochemistry, Orthopaedics, Microbiology, Radio Diagnosis, Pharmacology, Skin & VD, ENT, Opthalmology, Dental, Pathology, Medicine.

BDS Subject:-

General Human Anatomy, Public health dentistry, Orthodontics, Dent facial Orthopedics, Dental Anatomy, Maxillofacial Surgery, Biochemistry, Nutrition & Dietetics, General Medicine, Oral Medicine, Microbiology, Dental Materials, Dental Pharmacology, General Surgery, Crown & Bridge, Conservative Dentistry, Preclinical Conservative Dentistry.

VMMC Junior Resident Syllabus

In this article, we have provided VMMC SJH Safdarjung Hospital Junior Resident Course on this article. We hope that all of you have got complete information about this page. In case of any question and suggestion, please click the comment box below. Please contact us by using. We will help you as soon as possible. Immediate according to your preparation course so that good points Rapt can Skekjld we date for the exam and Admit Cards Provide villagers.

Check VMMC SJH Junior Resident Exam Pattern

Name of Subject Exam Type
General English Multiple Choice Question
General Knowledge
Concerned Subjects of MBBS & BDS

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